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Tuesday 8 March 2011

How-To Boost Your Laptop Audio

Oh God! Why does this speakers volume so low? Damn!

I get your meaning because I've been in your situation a lot of times especially when I had to re-install Windows in my laptop. So lets go straight to bussiness. OK, the steps to improve or boost your laptop audio are:

1.Update your Audio Driver
Say that my laptop is made by Acer or HP, and I found that my audio's driver is supplied by them too. So all I gotta do is, surf to their website and search for Download And Support or any one. Sometimes you can just clearly see the Drivers Download. From there you have to specify your laptop type and it will bring you to the download section. The rest, you know how.

2.Tune your Windows Media Player Equalizer
This is the most easiest step to do, just click:
Tools>Enhancement>Graphic Equalizer. You know how to do it from here.

Well, these are the 2 steps that I can provide to all of you right now, about the other steps, they are just too stupid some are using paper cups (WTH?!). Anyway, I'll provide with more, so same thing over and over again. Promote us and we'll promote you back. Just dont forget to comment and follow us ok? XD

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Game Review: Battlestation Pacific

                           The first word that came out of my mouth when I played this game was, "WOAH, This thing is WICKEDLY AWESOME!!" and yes without any shame I shouted in my cousin's bedroom. Well, this happened around December. Seriously, I never seen and played a game with such beautiful graphics and killing sound effects that really keeps you going. Battlestation: Pacific focuses on air and naval war. Whoever played Navyfield, they would surely know. A whole lot of ships is ready for your disposal but of course you have to play and win its campaign mode to get more, say who knows you might get to see IJN Yamato and IJN Musashi in action.
                         Oh yeah, if your crazy about air dogfights try playing as bomber or fighter. Wait till you change your view to cockpit's view. The nice graphic really made you feel as if you're a bomber pilot back in WW2. Seriously, I never get enough playing this game. Anyway, for those who want to watch its trailer, its in the featured section and for those whose planning to buy it, I'm not going to stop you just, be prepared to be overwhelmed by the beauty of its graphic and its sound effects.

P/S: Play with joystick and controller for best result and gameplay and did I mention about the kamikaze's too? XD

Easier Said Than Done

             "Easier said than done", said my boss. At that time he was actually very angry, I mean total mad at me because I was slacking on my job and he also said that, "You better write some new stuff or I'll kick ya outta my bussiness". Yes, and that done it, to tell you the truth boss and also blog readers out there, I have a lot of things to write, anime, music, reviews but its just that I'm TOO LAZY. Damn myself and my laziness. Seriously, even my mother nagged me about this too. So here I am making a pledge that I will at least make 3 post for a week in this blog. I really want people to read and know how my life is so dont get it wrong. Its just LAZINESS, anyway again sorry to others who was expecting a new post for a long time. So lets get on to our Game Review in our next post.